Whether you are interested in having a single-skin oil tank or a bunded tank installed on your property, it is important to understand the key differences between the two. Doing so will allow you to make an informed decision when you come to buy. SG Tanks is a renowned supplier of high-quality oil tanks to residential, commercial and agricultural premises across the South East.
We are happy to provide you with guidance and advice on the difference between the two, but if you are looking for more specific help with what might be suitable on your property please don’t hesitate to contact us today by calling 01903 856403.
In simple terms, a single skin tank has one skin that the oil is held within. They are generally the cheaper option and may be simpler to install and conduct maintenance on. A bunded tank has two skins – it could be considered a tank within a tank. The first tank holds the oil like a single-skin tank, while the second tank is enclosed around the first. This reduces the risk of spillage if the first tank was to split, while clearly, a single-skin tank does not have this buffer.
It is generally the case that a suitably qualified engineer will need to make a judgement on whether a bunded tank must be installed. It’s generally the case that if you wish to have a single skin tank you will need to position it within a bund to capture the oil if a spillage was to occur.